Begin a 21-Day Voyage Towards Understanding Your Child’s Sleep Through Compassion, Connection, and Evidence-Based Wisdom

I’m thrilled to welcome you to the start of a profoundly different sleep journey—our 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge. As Ireland's first dually qualified Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Sleep Coach, my mission goes beyond the traditional sleep advice. Together, we will delve deep into the heart of your child’s sleep, embracing a holistic approach that honors their uniqueness and nurtures your family's bond.

Are you seeking a deeper understanding of your child’s sleep that respects their individual needs and fosters a loving, connected approach to bedtime? The 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge invites you on an empowering exploration of sleep, blending scientific insights with gentle, responsive strategies that can be tailored to your child. With a community of supportive parents and guided by expert knowledge, discover how to lay the foundations for healthy sleep habits rooted in compassion and evidence-based practice. Together, let’s transform how you think about sleep, one nurturing step at a time.

In the world of parenting, sleep is a voyage filled with uncertainty and challenges. Many of you have navigated this journey through a sea of generic advice, sleep myths, and one-size-fits-all strategies that simply don't resonate with or respond to the unique needs of your child. The struggle is real and multifaceted:

  • Exhaustion and Confusion: Night after night of disrupted sleep leaves you feeling exhausted, not just physically but emotionally. The abundance of conflicting advice available only adds to the confusion, making it difficult to know which path to take for your family’s well-being.

  • The Pathologising of Normal Sleep: The societal narrative often mislabels normal variations in children's sleep patterns as problems that need fixing. This perspective can pathologise natural developmental stages, leading to unnecessary worry and a sense of failure among parents.

  • Misalignment with Parenting Values: Many conventional sleep training methods clash with your instinctual desires for connection and responsiveness. You’re left feeling torn between the mainstream narrative of "independence" and your deep-seated belief in nurturing and attending to your child’s needs.

  • Pressure and Isolation: External pressures—from well-meaning family members to social media—can compound feelings of inadequacy and isolation. The fear of "getting it wrong" or not adhering to popular opinion adds an additional layer of stress to your parenting journey.

  • Lack of Support: Finding a supportive community that shares and uplifts your parenting philosophy can feel like searching for a beacon in the fog. Without this support, the challenges of navigating your child’s sleep can feel even more daunting.

This is where the heart of our struggle lies—not just in seeking restful nights but in finding a path that respects our children’s individual needs, aligns with our parenting values, and is backed by evidence-based understanding and compassion. The journey to transformative sleep should not be a solo endeavor but a supported voyage that honours the uniqueness of each child and family.

In the midst of the struggles, the 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge emerges as a lighthouse guiding you toward a nurturing, evidence-based approach to sleep that honors your child's individuality and your family's unique values. This challenge is not just a program; it's a journey to understanding, connection, and empowerment.

What the Challenge Offers:

  • Holistic Understanding: Dive deep into the science and psychology of sleep, learning about its stages, the impact of temperament, and the developmental aspects that influence your child’s sleep patterns. This knowledge lays the groundwork for compassionate, informed decisions about sleep.

  • Tailored Strategies: Beyond generic advice, this challenge offers practical, customisable strategies that respect your child's unique needs and your family dynamics. Learn to read sleep cues, create nurturing bedtime routines, and respond to night-time wakefulness in ways that foster security and trust.

  • Community Support: Embark on this journey within a community of like-minded parents, guided by Ireland's first dually qualified Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Sleep Coach. Here, you’re not alone. You’re part of a supportive network, sharing experiences, insights, and encouragement.

  • Empowerment and Confidence: Shift from feeling overwhelmed and uncertain to feeling empowered and confident in your sleep choices. This challenge helps you identify and align your sleep practices with your parenting values, reinforcing the belief that you are the expert on your child’s needs.

  • A Gentle, Responsive Approach: Rejecting the cry-it-out methodologies, this challenge embraces gentle, responsive parenting practices that nurture your child’s emotional well-being and strengthen your parent-child bond.

Why It’s Different:

The 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge stands apart by focusing on the whole picture—considering not only the child’s sleep but also the well-being of the entire family. It's about empowering you with knowledge, supporting you with community, and guiding you with expertise. This challenge invites you to transform your approach to sleep from one of stress and uncertainty to one of understanding, connection, and confidence.

Join Us:

If you're seeking a path that respects both the science of sleep and the heart of parenting, the 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge is your invitation to begin. Let's move beyond the sleepless nights and the one-size-fits-all solutions. Together, we'll embark on a journey of discovery, support, and transformation. Welcome to a new way of thinking about sleep—one that nurtures, connects, and helps your family to thrive.

Embarking on the 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge, you're not just signing up for a course; you're stepping into a transformative experience. Here's what awaits you on this journey:

Key Features:

  1. Daily Lessons: Bite-sized, engaging content delivered daily, focusing on a different aspect of sleep. From the biology of sleep to understanding your child’s unique cues, each lesson builds on the last to deepen your understanding and skills.

  2. Expert Guidance: Led by Ireland's first dually qualified Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Sleep Coach, you'll receive insights grounded in the latest research and years of practical experience, all tailored to support gentle, responsive parenting.

  3. Interactive Community: Join a vibrant community of like-minded parents on the same journey. Share experiences, gain insights, and find encouragement in a supportive and understanding environment.

  4. Live Q&A Sessions: Regular live sessions provide the opportunity to ask questions, dive deeper into specific topics, and connect directly with the expert and your fellow participants.

  5. Practical Tools and Resources: Access to downloadable guides, worksheets, and tools designed to help you apply what you learn directly to your family's routine, making the insights actionable and practical.

  6. Flexible Access: Learn at your own pace, with the ability to revisit lessons and materials as needed. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, the challenge fits into your schedule.


  • Empowered Decision-Making: Gain the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions about your child’s sleep, moving away from doubt and towards empowerment.

  • Enhanced Parent-Child Connection: Learn strategies that not only improve sleep but also strengthen the bond between you and your child, emphasising responsiveness and emotional attunement.

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Equip yourself with approaches that align with your parenting values, reducing the stress and anxiety often associated with navigating sleep challenges.

  • A Foundation for Healthy Sleep Habits: Build a foundation for healthy sleep that supports your child’s development and well-being, setting the stage for positive sleep habits that last a lifetime.

  • Increased Sense of Community: Experience the strength and support of a community that shares your parenting philosophy, reducing feelings of isolation and offering shared wisdom and encouragement.

The Outcome:

By the end of the 21 days, you won't just have a roadmap for navigating your child's sleep; you'll have experienced a shift in how you view sleep—a shift from challenge to connection, from stress to understanding, and from isolation to community. This challenge is about more than just sleep; it's about empowering you to trust in your capabilities as a parent, to connect deeply with your child, and to embrace a gentle, responsive approach to parenting challenges.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative journey. Register by 9th June 2024 to secure your spot and take the first step towards understanding and enhancing your child’s sleep.


Q1: Who is the 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge for?
A: This challenge is ideal for parents of newborns, babies, and toddlers who are seeking a deeper understanding of their child’s sleep through a compassionate, evidence-based approach. It's also highly beneficial for expectant parents and those with older children looking for gentle, responsive sleep strategies that align with their parenting values.

Q2: What makes this challenge different from other sleep training programs?
A: Unlike traditional sleep training methods, our 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge focuses on understanding your child's unique sleep needs and patterns from a holistic perspective. It empowers parents with knowledge and practical strategies within a supportive community, all guided by Ireland's first dually qualified Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Sleep Coach. We prioritise connection, understanding, and individual needs over one-size-fits-all solutions.

Q3: Can I participate if I have a full-time job or other commitments?
A: Absolutely! We've designed the challenge to be flexible and accessible for busy parents. Daily lessons and resources can be accessed at any time, and live Q&A sessions are recorded for those who can’t join in real-time. You can engage with the challenge content and community in a way that fits your schedule.

Q4: What if I join late? Will I miss out on important information?
A: Joining the challenge after it has started is not ideal because the content of each day builds on the days prior. For this reason, the doors will close 24 hours before the launch. Don’t worry if you fall behind over the 21 days, you’ll still have access to all content and can catch up at your own pace. We encourage you to join as soon as possible to fully benefit from the community support and live interactions.

Q5: Are there any additional costs involved after signing up?
A: The price covers the entire 21-Day Challenge, including all lessons, live sessions, and resources.

Q6: How do I know this challenge will work for my family?
A: Every child and family is unique, and while we provide comprehensive, evidence-based strategies and support, the effectiveness can vary based on individual circumstances. Our challenge is designed to empower you with knowledge and tools to understand and meet your child’s sleep needs, fostering a positive sleep environment that benefits the whole family.

Q7: Can I still access the challenge content after it ends?
A: Yes, participants will have an additional 48 hours post-challenge to review and revisit all content.

As you stand at the crossroads of decision, let this moment be a turning point for you and your family. The 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge is more than a course—it's a transformational journey that redefines the landscape of night-time in your home. It’s about laying down the burdens of sleepless nights and stepping into a world where understanding, compassion, and connection illuminate the path to restful sleep.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Family’s Sleep?
Embark on this journey with us, and discover the power of a holistic approach to your child’s sleep that aligns with your deepest parenting values. Through expert guidance, community support, and evidence-based strategies, you’ll gain the tools and knowledge to nurture your child’s sleep in a way that feels right for your family.

Take the Step:
Don’t let another sleepless night pass you by. Make the decision that could change the course of your nights and days. Join a community of parents just like you, who have chosen to move forward with understanding, empathy, and action.

Your Exclusive Invitation Awaits:
The doors to the 21-Day Sleep Reset Challenge are open, but they won’t stay that way forever. Secure your spot now and take advantage of this unique opportunity to transform sleep in your household from a challenge into a cherished part of your family’s routine.

Join Now and Begin Your Journey Towards Peaceful Nights.