Terms & Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions prior to our consultation or purchase of a guide. If you have booked a consultation and/or support package with me, you must indicate that you have read and accepted these terms before we can begin to work together.


The information, support and advice I provide in working with you and your family does not substitute for medical, nutritional or lactation support care. It does not substitute for diagnosis, treatment or any other type of medical care. Please consult your doctor or other suitably qualified professional if you have any concerns regarding your child's health or well-being.

Privacy & Confidentiality

As part of providing a psychology and holistic sleep coaching service to you, it is necessary to collect and record personal information from you that is relevant to your situation, such as your name, contact information, medical history and other relevant information. All of this information is kept securely. I would like to emphasise that your privacy and the information that you provide is protected at all times and in keeping with GDPR guidelines. The information provided may be shared with other psychologists or holistic sleep coaches within the confines of supervision and peer support. Any sharing of your information in this way will be treated in the strictest confidence and for the purpose of learning and ensuring good practice. Your data will be anonymised when shared within the confines of supervision.


In my role as a psychologist and holistic sleep coach in this practice, I provide consultation which is educational, informative and supportive. I do not guarantee a particular outcome or result, or within a particular timeframe as this negates what we know about child development. I will never use cry-it-out, or modified versions of it nor will I recommend or endorse any approach which I believe to have potential to harm your child according to my clinical judgement and research available at the time of our consultation. I will always endeavour to provide you with current, evidence-based, compassionate, developmentally and age appropriate, respectful information that fits with your parenting style and does not compromise attachment or responsive parenting. I will never ask you to do anything that you do not feel comfortable with, and there will never be a requirement for you to stop preferred practices (e.g. bed-sharing, breastfeeding, responsive parenting etc) as long as it is in the best interests of you and your child. The information I provide during consultation is my expert personal opinion. Following this advice is done so at your own risk. Dr. Emma and The Mothering Psychologist accepts no liability for any loss (financial or otherwise), damage or injury that occurs as a result of following any of the advice given.

As a Chartered Clinical Psychologist registered with the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), Dr. Emma adheres to their ethical framework and guidelines to ensure that you receive a professional and quality service.

Equality and non-discriminatory practice

I promote an inclusive, non-judgemental service, and will not knowingly discriminate against anyone on the basis of their race, sexual orientation, parenting style, disability, cultural beliefs, neurodiversity, marital status or religion.

Scope of practice

We will work in a collaborative way to find a suitable and sustainable solution for you and your family. Information and support provided will be tailored to your individual circumstances and you will not be simply provided with generic information around sleep, child development, parenting etc. My role is to provide evidence-based guidance and education in relation to sleep and it is your right and responsibility to choose whether you will implement any techniques proposed or indeed to determine if my approach is what best meets the needs of your family at this time.

By engaging with my services as a psychologist and holistic sleep coach, you agree that:

  • You will work within safe sleep guidelines

  • You will disclose any relevant medical problem that may have a bearing on sleep

  • You understand that if I am concerned for the welfare of your child, I have a duty to report this to the relevant health and/or safeguarding service in your local area as a mandated person. This will always be with your knowledge except in cases where the immediate safety of the child takes priority

  • You understand that you will be providing certain personal details which are required to be kept. All information will never be shared with any other third party, except as outlined in Privacy & Confidentiality above.

  • Once we have agreed to work together you will be invoiced prior to the full consultation (or relative alternative depending on package). Payment must be made in full 1 week prior to our consultation or issuing of the sleep diary or information forms (whichever is earliest). In the case of the troubleshooting email package, payment must be made prior to me writing up your plan. Your sleep support is bespoke to you, and should not be shared with other third parties, as the information may not be relevant.

  • In the case of the troubleshooting call, this is not a substitute for a fully comprehensive consultation. I will endeavour to provide appropriate solutions and guidance based only on the information provided as I will not be analysing a full sleep diary or comprehensive background information. 

Cancellation/Refund Policy

A deposit of €50 is required to secure bookings. You have the right to cancel my services at any time and for any reason as relevant to you. For cancellations made more than 48 hours before, a scheduled appointment, you have the option to reschedule or to avail of a full refund should you no longer wish to engage my services. For cancellation less than 48 hours prior to the appointment, a 50% refund will be issued. If I have to cancel an appointment, I will schedule another appointment with you that is mutually convenient to both parties. Due to the nature of digital products including downloadable PDFs, ebooks, pre-recorded webinars and online courses due to the fact that you will have immediate access to these products and they cannot be returned. If after reading your sleep diary or background information form, I feel that I am not best placed to provide support to you and your family and that a different approach or other practitioner/professional may be better suited to meet your needs, I will issue a full refund. 

Refunds will made on the means of payment used to book the consultation (e.g., credit card, debit card, etc.).

Please allow up to 30 days for refund to be processed.

Follow up and availability

I will provide support as set out in the package you have purchased. If applicable, I will provide a written summary or the consultation with the suggestions discussed in the consultation, within 48 hours of the appointment. If I am unable to provide a written summary within this timeframe this will be discussed with you as soon as possible. Follow up support will be provided via Whatsapp text messages and voice notes. I will respond to all contact within 24 hours Monday to Friday, and within 48 hours if the contact is made over the weekend or on bank holidays (in Ireland). Depending on the package purchased, additional support may also be provided by phone call, video call (Zoom or Whatsapp video call) or email. Follow up contact will be initiated by you and I will let you know when your follow up package is drawing to a conclusion. Further follow up support can be discussed and arranged if required for an additional fee. It is your responsibility to initiate contact and respond to my contact. If you do not initiate or respond to my attempts to contact you, it will be assumed that you no longer need or want sleep support.

Comments, compliments and complaints

I strive to provide a high quality service to the families I work with. If you have enjoyed working with me and have found my services beneficial, I would be grateful for a testimonial which you can send to me directly at info@themotheringpsychologist.com or via DM on my instagram page, The Mothering Psychologist. If you are in any way unsatisfied with the service I provide within the terms and conditions stated in this document, please contact me directly by email at info@themotheringpsychologist.com and will endeavour to resolve the matter in a collaborative manner.


I am fully insured within my private practice through the Balens Insurance. 


The content of the pages of this website is for general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice. The use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at the users own risk, for which The Mothering Psychologist will not be liable.

The Mothering Psychologist accepts no responsibility for any external websites linked to this website or accessed through this website. No linkages on the website to external websites can be taken as an endorsement of those websites.

No material on this website may be reproduced for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of The Mothering Psychologist. Content can be reproduced for personal purposes but must be reproduced in its entirety including attribution as to its source.

The use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of Ireland. Your continued use of this website confirms acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not accept them you must exit the website immediately.